Now, the starting price of the 10th-gen iPad is Rs 39,900, which means the prices have been reduced by Rs 5,000. The 10th-gen iPad is also currently available at an instant cashback of Rs 4,000 as part of Apple’s festive season sale. So, you can get your hands on the iPad 10th-gen for Rs 35,900, which is just Rs 3,000 more than the 9th-gen iPad. Apple hasn’t reduced the prices of iPad Pro, iPad Air or the 9th-gen iPad.
Apple iPad 10th-gen: Key specifications
The 10.9-inch Liquid Retina display is a significant upgrade over the 10.2-inch display on the previous model. It is larger, brighter, and sharper, making it ideal for watching videos, playing games, and working on creative projects.
The A14 Bionic chip is the same chip that powers the iPhone 12 lineup, making it one of the most powerful mobile processors on the market. This means that the 10th-gen iPad can easily handle even the most demanding tasks, such as video editing, gaming, and multitasking.
The 12MP ultra-wide front camera with Center Stage is a significant improvement over the 7MP front camera on the previous model. It has a wider field of view, so it can capture more people and the background in your video calls. Center Stage is a feature that automatically keeps you centred in the frame, even as you move around.
The 10th-gen iPad also features a number of other improvements, such as a longer-lasting battery, more storage options, and a USB-C port.
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