OnePlus has launched its first foldable smartphone in India. Dubbed OnePlus Open, it features a 20:9 aspect ratio cover display and a 7.6-inch foldable display. Also, the smartphone features a triple rear camera setup of 48MP + 48MP + 64MP sensors at the back. Moreover, it is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset paired with 16GB RAM and 512GB storage.
The pre-booking for the phone is now live and the sale of the phone is set to start from October 27. It will be available for purchase via OnePlus online store, Amazon and Reliance Digital.
OnePlus Open pre-order details
The pre-order can be done via both Amazon India website and OnePlus online store. Buyers will have to pay Rs 5,000 to pre-order the smartphone. As a part of the promotional offer, OnePlus is also offering an additional Rs 5,000 bank discount.
Additionally, buyers can also avail an additional Rs 8,000 as exchange bonus and JioPlus users will get benefits of up to Rs 15,000.
OnePlus Open: Specifications
The pre-booking for the phone is now live and the sale of the phone is set to start from October 27. It will be available for purchase via OnePlus online store, Amazon and Reliance Digital.
OnePlus Open pre-order details
The pre-order can be done via both Amazon India website and OnePlus online store. Buyers will have to pay Rs 5,000 to pre-order the smartphone. As a part of the promotional offer, OnePlus is also offering an additional Rs 5,000 bank discount.
Additionally, buyers can also avail an additional Rs 8,000 as exchange bonus and JioPlus users will get benefits of up to Rs 15,000.
OnePlus Open: Specifications
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