The 10-headed ‘Cyber Ravan’ created by Raipur Police highlights different types of online scams that are executed by cyber fraudsters. The Raipur Police’s ‘Cyber Ravan’ effigy has ten heads and each head creates awareness of a kind of cyber fraud. These include telegram-like share task forgery, OLX army fraud, OTP fraud, loan application forgery, cyber online fraud, sextortion (nude video call) fraud, WhatsApp DP fraud, insurance fraud, online link forgery, and customer care fraud.
Each head of ‘Cyber Ravan’ effigy aims to alert people about all of these kinds of cyber crime.
“Raipur police frequently carry out campaigns to create awareness among people about cyber fraud and keeping the same in mind during this festive season, we have developed a ‘Cyber Ravan’ to spread the message about cyber forgeries and their prevention,” told additional Superintendent of Police (Crime) Pitambar Singh Patel to news agency ANI.
“As people are venturing out for the Navratri celebration and to come out for ‘Ravan Dahan’, we have decided to opt for this method for creating awareness among them, said the ASP, adding that this effigy is being kept at prominent locations across the city,” he added.
The effigy of cyber Ravan will be burned in the evening by the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Prashant Agrawal.
Raipur Police has also shared the images and video of the ‘Cyber Ravan’ on its official X account (formerly Twitter).
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