CHANDIGARH: The Punjab and Haryana high court has ordered a CBI probe into an alleged scam aimed at usurping land worth over Rs 100 crore at Zirakpur in Punjab’s Mohali district, in which a woman judicial officer of the subordinate court in Punjab was also party and had allegedly passed some unusual orders, reports Ajay Sura. The HC has also ordered to place on record the orders passed by the judicial officer before the administrative judge of the concerned district court for appropriate action.
While asking the central agency to complete the probe within six months, the HC observed that the facts reveal how the process of law has been abused by unscrupulous elements.The petitioners call it ‘forum shopping’ but it seems to be beyond that, observed the bench.
While asking the central agency to complete the probe within six months, the HC observed that the facts reveal how the process of law has been abused by unscrupulous elements.The petitioners call it ‘forum shopping’ but it seems to be beyond that, observed the bench.
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