In Gujarat, another four-day-old becomes an organ donor | India News


SURAT: Another four-day-old baby in Surat has become an organ donor and offered new hope to four young lives as his parents made the difficult decision to allow the donation after their son was declared brain dead, having previously experienced the loss of a stillborn child.
This is the second such case in this Gujarat city over the past 10 days. On October 18, a four-day-old boy’s kidney, liver, corneas, and spleen were donated after he was declared brain dead.The latestyoung donor was born on October 23 around 7.50pm and his organs, including kidneys, corneas, and spleen, were harvested on Friday night.
His father, an employee in the planning department of a diamond unit, explained the remarkable act of compassion and the circumstances leading to this decision. When he accompanied his wife for a sonography, doctors advised immediate hospitalisation for delivery. “Due to complications, a caesarean section was performed, and the baby had only 15% of the normal heartbeat and was not breathing. Despite efforts to help the baby breathe, he did not cry, and he wasn’t moving at all. After 48 hours of observation, doctors declared the baby brain dead following various tests,” he said on Saturday.
Aware of recent cases of infant organ donations, he and his wife discussed the option with the doctors. The couple decided to proceed with organ donation after their parents approved the decision.


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