Air India Express launched its “Christmas comes Early” Sale, offering up to 30% off and domestic and international flights across major channels for bookings made till November 30 and for travel from December 2 to May 30 next year, its officials said.
Logged-in members get an extra treat with complimentary Xpress Ahead Services and zero convenience fees on the airline’s mobile app and website.
The airline is offering deals on routes such as Bengaluru-Kochi,Bengaluru-Kannur, Bengaluru-Mangalore, Bengaluru-Thiruvananthapuram,Chennai-Thiruvananthapuram, Kannur-Thiruvananthapuram, and Bengaluru-Tiruchirappalli, along with discounted sale fares across its network. The airline recently launched a host of new routes connecting Hyderabad with Lucknow, Kochi and Amritsar, airline officials added.
Members of the Tata NeuPass Rewards Program also earn up to 8% NeuCoins, in addition to exclusive member benefits like exclusive deals on meals, seats, baggage, change and cancellation fee waivers and more. In addition to loyalty members, students, senior citizens, SMEs, dependents, and members of the armed forces can also avail special fares on the airline’s website.
Air India Express operates over 300 flights daily to 30 domestic and 14 international destinations with a fleet of 57 aircraft, comprising 29 Boeing 737s and 28 Airbus A320s.
Logged-in members get an extra treat with complimentary Xpress Ahead Services and zero convenience fees on the airline’s mobile app and website.
The airline is offering deals on routes such as Bengaluru-Kochi,Bengaluru-Kannur, Bengaluru-Mangalore, Bengaluru-Thiruvananthapuram,Chennai-Thiruvananthapuram, Kannur-Thiruvananthapuram, and Bengaluru-Tiruchirappalli, along with discounted sale fares across its network. The airline recently launched a host of new routes connecting Hyderabad with Lucknow, Kochi and Amritsar, airline officials added.
Members of the Tata NeuPass Rewards Program also earn up to 8% NeuCoins, in addition to exclusive member benefits like exclusive deals on meals, seats, baggage, change and cancellation fee waivers and more. In addition to loyalty members, students, senior citizens, SMEs, dependents, and members of the armed forces can also avail special fares on the airline’s website.
Air India Express operates over 300 flights daily to 30 domestic and 14 international destinations with a fleet of 57 aircraft, comprising 29 Boeing 737s and 28 Airbus A320s.
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