Japan-based watchmaker Citizen launched its second-gen CZ Smart watch lineup earlier this year in May. According to a report by Verge, the company is reportedly suspending sales of these WearOS-based smartwatches temporarily due to a “technical issue.” These smartwatches came with a feature based on tech from IBM’s Watson and NASA to track a person’s alertness. The second-gen CZ Smart features a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100 chip that is also available on other Wear OS 3 smartwatches like the Fossil Gen 6.
List of affected models
The affected models include the MX1000-01X, MX1011-05X, MX1018-06X, MX1000-28X, MX1016-28X, MX1017-50X, MX1000-52X, MX1002-57X, MX1010-59X, MX1003-71X and the MX1005-83X. According to the report, this issue doesn’t affect the CZ Smart Hybrid model.
Issues with CZ smartwatches
The report notes that the company took this decision after receiving negative feedback about these smartwatches from multiple reviewers. A YouTuber named Michael Fisher (a.k.a MrMobile) reported that Citizen decided to suspend sales of the CZ Smart Gen 2 series after he reached out to the company about the issues with the watch.
Another reviewer named Julian Chokkattu also pointed out several bugs that came up with the wearable. This includes laggy screens, poor battery life, inaccurate tracking and watch faces that weren’t able to tell the correct time. The reviewers also took to X to report the issues.
In some cases, the smartwatch wasn’t able to find a GPS signal, froze mid-workout, and ended up failing to record an exercise. As per the report, the CZ Smart also recorded wrong distances and running speeds. Regular screen freezing, crashing and failure to register swipes were reported. Apart from this, poor battery life and issues with connecting to the smartphone were also pointed out.
List of affected models
The affected models include the MX1000-01X, MX1011-05X, MX1018-06X, MX1000-28X, MX1016-28X, MX1017-50X, MX1000-52X, MX1002-57X, MX1010-59X, MX1003-71X and the MX1005-83X. According to the report, this issue doesn’t affect the CZ Smart Hybrid model.
Issues with CZ smartwatches
The report notes that the company took this decision after receiving negative feedback about these smartwatches from multiple reviewers. A YouTuber named Michael Fisher (a.k.a MrMobile) reported that Citizen decided to suspend sales of the CZ Smart Gen 2 series after he reached out to the company about the issues with the watch.
Another reviewer named Julian Chokkattu also pointed out several bugs that came up with the wearable. This includes laggy screens, poor battery life, inaccurate tracking and watch faces that weren’t able to tell the correct time. The reviewers also took to X to report the issues.
In some cases, the smartwatch wasn’t able to find a GPS signal, froze mid-workout, and ended up failing to record an exercise. As per the report, the CZ Smart also recorded wrong distances and running speeds. Regular screen freezing, crashing and failure to register swipes were reported. Apart from this, poor battery life and issues with connecting to the smartphone were also pointed out.
What Citizen said about the situation
In a letter sent to several publications, Citizen wrote: “We are investigating the issue, recalling review models and will be temporarily suspending sales on touchscreen models while we pinpoint the source of the issue and the best path to a solution for our customers and partners.”
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