BENGALURU: Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Friday said it received an order of Rs 2,118.6 crore from the Cochin Shipyard Limited for supply of various equipment — sensors, weapon equipment, fire control systems and communication equipment for six Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV), class of anti-surface warfare corvettes for Indian Navy.
“This project will have participation of Indian electronics and associated industries, including MSMEs, which are sub vendors of BEL,” BEL said.
The Company has also received additional orders worth Rs 886 crore since the last disclosure on August 25 and they pertain to upgrade of Air Force Network (AFNET) satellite communication, upgrade of Akash missiles with radio frequency seeker, inertial navigation system and other equipment with accessories and spares.
“With this, BEL has, in all, received orders worth Rs 14,384 crore till now in the current financial year,” the PSU said.
“This project will have participation of Indian electronics and associated industries, including MSMEs, which are sub vendors of BEL,” BEL said.
The Company has also received additional orders worth Rs 886 crore since the last disclosure on August 25 and they pertain to upgrade of Air Force Network (AFNET) satellite communication, upgrade of Akash missiles with radio frequency seeker, inertial navigation system and other equipment with accessories and spares.
“With this, BEL has, in all, received orders worth Rs 14,384 crore till now in the current financial year,” the PSU said.
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