It has come as quite a shock to viewers. Sagar Parekh aka Samar in Anupamaa is killed in the show, which has brought his track to an end. Sagar had replaced Paras Kalnawat, who originally played Samar in June 2022 when the latter chosen to be a part of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa. Now that Sagar’s track is over in the show, there are talks doing the rounds that he might be a contestant in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss. The actor has been approached for the show and it remains to be seen if he takes up the offer or waits for another fiction show.
A source said, “Samar was an important character in the show. Earlier, too, when Sagar replaced Paras in the show, it was a challenge for him to keep the viewers hooked. But slowly and gradually, Sagar’s portrayal of Samar connected with masses. But now the show is headed for another high point because the makers have killed his character. There is a huge debate around whether Samar will be brought back to the show and it will also depend on the ratings and viewership. However, Sagar is not facing a dearth of opportunities. The actor has already been approached for Bigg Boss and it remains to be seen if he wants to be a part of a reality show so early in his career.”
With Samar’s exit in the show, the upcoming track will revolve around Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly) and Anuj (Gaurav Khanna). She will not be able to accept Samar’s loss and blame Anuj for it. The show has many interesting twists and turns lined up and while currently Sagar’s track is over, it won’t be surprising if he is brought back on the
A source said, “Samar was an important character in the show. Earlier, too, when Sagar replaced Paras in the show, it was a challenge for him to keep the viewers hooked. But slowly and gradually, Sagar’s portrayal of Samar connected with masses. But now the show is headed for another high point because the makers have killed his character. There is a huge debate around whether Samar will be brought back to the show and it will also depend on the ratings and viewership. However, Sagar is not facing a dearth of opportunities. The actor has already been approached for Bigg Boss and it remains to be seen if he wants to be a part of a reality show so early in his career.”
With Samar’s exit in the show, the upcoming track will revolve around Anupamaa (Rupali Ganguly) and Anuj (Gaurav Khanna). She will not be able to accept Samar’s loss and blame Anuj for it. The show has many interesting twists and turns lined up and while currently Sagar’s track is over, it won’t be surprising if he is brought back on the
Anupamaa’s Rupali Ganguly, Sagar Parekh and Nishi Saxena visit Andheri Cha Raja for the first time
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