Army Officers: ‘No woman has yet qualified for military Special Forces, though some volunteered’ | India News


NEW DELHI: No woman as yet has made the cut to serve in the elite Special Forces of the armed forces, which are mainly deployed for clandestine warfare or special operations after extremely arduous physical and mental training, though a few have volunteered for joining the crack military units.

“Women officers in the armed forces are eligible to volunteer for induction into the Special Forces without any gender bias, provided they meet selection qualitative requirements (QRs), and successfully complete the training,” junior defence minister Ajay Bhatt told the Lok Sabha, in a written reply on Friday.
“In IAF, two women officers have volunteered till date for Special Forces training and were detailed to undergo the same. However, they could not pass the training. In the Navy, 20 women Agniveers (sailors) had appeared for the aptitude test for induction into the Special Forces. However, none of them qualified,” he added.

While the Army has the Para-Special Forces, the Navy has the Marine Commandos and the IAF the Garud Commando Force. They are small units specially trained and equipped with specialized weapons for counter-terrorism, anti-hijack, hostage-rescue, intelligence-gathering, surgical strikes and covert operations behind enemy lines.
Though the IAF and Navy have opened the doors of their Special Forces for women, there is no relaxation in the tough selection or training standards. Women, of course, are still not allowed to join the main combat arms in the Army like the infantry, the mechanized infantry and the armoured corps.
But other than that, women have come a long way since they first began to be inducted as officers in the armed forces in the early-1990s and in other ranks as Agniveers now.
There are now 18 women flying fighters like MiG-21s, MiG-29s, Sukhoi-30MKIs and even the new Rafales in the IAF, while the Navy has deployed around 30 women officers on frontline warships. There are also over 145 women helicopter and transport aircraft pilots in the IAF, Army and Navy. Earlier this year, the first five women officers were also commissioned into the artillery regiments and are now being trained to handle howitzers and rocket systems.


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