Anand said in a tweet that the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is gaining massive public support as the “third alternative” to the BJP-led NDA alliance and the INDIA alliance of the opposition parties, and that has unsettled the party’s political opponents to the extent that they are taking to spreading misleading reports about the BSP.
The BSP is a party based on the principles of “Manyawar Kanshiram” and has an objective to set up an egalitarian society, said Anand, thus putting to rest the speculations about an alliance between the ruling BJP and his party in UP, for now.
With that, he reiterated the stand made public by the party national president and his aunt, Mayawati, on July 19, in which she said that BSP has stayed away from the alliances formed by the NDA and the “modified- UPA” because they have never worked for the deprived and the poor.
Anand, as per the party insiders, has already been given a bigger role and responsibility in the party by Mayawati ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, which also includes fathoming the possibilities of alliance with other parties.
The BSP was already in conversation with the Congress for a tie-up in UP for the Lok Sabha elections before INDIA was announced. But, Mayawati, on July 19, said she is no more keen to align with any of the political parties which are a part of either the NDA or INDIA.
She has asked her party workers to focus on stalling both the NDA and the INDIA alliance from garnering a full majority. “In that case, BSP may get a chance to come to power in such a situation,” she said.
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