While Daewoo has confirmed its return to India, for its latest inning, it is coming back as more of a technology company and not as an automaker. It will license several technologies such as solar panels, home inverters and home UPS systems to the Indian brand Kelwon. On the mobility-related front, Daewoo will supply electric batteries for use in small-capacity EVs such as E-bikes that are being developed by the homegrown brand.
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Two E-bike platforms were showcased at Daewoo’s announcement, these included the DWECXI and the DWECXII. Both EVs are small-capacity electric bicycles that will enter the Indian market soon, alongside the smaller form factor, full-sized electric bicycles will also be on offer once Kelwon enters the market. While the re-entry of Daewoo into India may not sound as exciting, it certainly sparks a ray of hope. Currently, the company has announced no plans related to bigger EVs and if it will consider entering the mainstream automotive market of India again.
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