MUMBAI: Amazon India on Thursday said it has created over 1,00,000 seasonal job opportunities across its operations network ahead of the festive season. These opportunities include direct and indirect jobs across cities, including in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, and Chennai.
The hiring comes ahead of Amazon’s ‘Great Indian Festival‘, which will start on October 8, with access to Prime customers a day earlier, Amazon India said.
The company said it has already onboarded a majority of these new hires into its existing network, where they will pick, pack, ship, and deliver customer orders safely and efficiently.
“The festive season is always a special time at Amazon… we are welcoming an additional workforce of over 1,00,000 to strengthen our fulfilment, delivery, and service capabilities”, said Akhil Saxena, Vice President Operations, APAC/MENA/LATAM, and WW Customer Service Head, Amazon.
The company has fulfilment centres across 15 states, offering 43 million cubic feet of storage space for seller inventory.
The hiring comes ahead of Amazon’s ‘Great Indian Festival‘, which will start on October 8, with access to Prime customers a day earlier, Amazon India said.
The company said it has already onboarded a majority of these new hires into its existing network, where they will pick, pack, ship, and deliver customer orders safely and efficiently.
“The festive season is always a special time at Amazon… we are welcoming an additional workforce of over 1,00,000 to strengthen our fulfilment, delivery, and service capabilities”, said Akhil Saxena, Vice President Operations, APAC/MENA/LATAM, and WW Customer Service Head, Amazon.
The company has fulfilment centres across 15 states, offering 43 million cubic feet of storage space for seller inventory.
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