Google Products: Google sends reminder warning to all users about accounts being deleted forever


If you have a Gmail account that you rarely access or haven’t used in years, then Google has some bad news for you. Last month, it was revealed that Google will shut down inactive accounts and now the company has started sending reminder ‘notices’ to all users pertaining to this. In the email, Google says that it updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all its products and services. “This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that’s been inactive,” said Google in the email.

How does Google decide an account is inactive?

According to Google, any account that has not been signed in to or used within a two-year period is considered an inactive account.

When will Google start deleting accounts?

An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from 1 December 2023, said Google. “While the changes go into effect today, the earliest that we would enforce any account deletion would be December 2023,” informed Google in the email.

Will your account be deleted without any notification?

No, if your account is considered inactive, Google will send several reminder emails to both you and your recovery emails (if any have been provided) before it takes any action or delete any account content.

How can you keep an account active?

It’s simple — just log in once every two years. If you have signed in to your Google Account recently in the last two years, your account is considered active and will not be deleted.
“Our priority is to make it as easy as possible for you to keep your account active, if you want to, and we’ll ensure that you have adequate notice before any account is impacted by this change,” added Google in the email.


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