Pakistan faced their fourth consecutive defeat on Friday, effectively diminishing their chances of progressing further in the tournament.”I don’t think Shadab had a serious injury.When one or two wickets were left, he came out on camera to cheer and clap for the team. It just means that you are playing with the emotions of 24 crore Pakistani people. It is not funny,” Umar said on a TV channel.
During the South African innings, Shadab experienced a head injury when he dived to prevent a ball. He briefly left the field but later made a comeback. However, he was subsequently replaced in the game by Usama Mir as a concussion substitute.
Umar expressed doubt regarding the severity of the concussion injury Shadab sustained while fielding at mid-off, indicating that he didn’t think it warranted him leaving the field.
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“He went off and after a while came back. His scans were apparently also clear. I think he took a route to escape from the pressure and action on the field,” the former pacer alleged.
Mir finished with two wickets in a thrilling match that SA won by one wicket and effectively ended Pakistan’s chances of qualifying for the semi-finals.
Another former Test pacer, Sohail Tanvir noted that the crowd in Chennai was very sporting and appreciated the Pakistan team’s good performances.
Tanveer also backed the allegation by Gul, but he was more careful with his words.
“We don’t know how serious this concussion injury was but the way Shadab first returned to the field then went back on whoever’s advice… His presence in the dugout does make one wonder should he not have carried on playing.
“I know of players who have batted with broken hands and arms because it was necessary for the team,” Umar added.
(With PTI Inputs)
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