Vaughan took to social media platform X, formerly Twitter, to share his view as soon as the Indian spinners put Australian batters on the mat during their World Cup opener at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.”India are showing why they are clear favourites to Win the WC on these pitches,” Vaughan posted on X.
Pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah opened India’s account by sending back Aussie opener Mitchell Marsh for a duck in the third over of the innings. Post that six Australian batters fell victims of Indian spin dose.
Chinaman bowler Kuldeep Yadav, who returned figures of 2/42, was the first to click as he sent back dangerous looking David Warner (41) and then left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja, who finished with the figures of 3/28, took on the mantle as he triggered Aussie collapse with a fine triple-strike, picking up three crucial wickets in a span of 9 runs.
Jadeja broke Australia’s back by sending well-set Steve Smith (46), Marnus Labuschagne (27) and Alex Carey for a duck. Local boy Ravichandran Ashwin, who gave away just 34 runs in his quota of 10 overs, also made his presence felt when he dismissed Cameron Green (8) leaving Australia reeling at 140/7 in 36.2 overs.
Incidentally, wicketkeeper-batter Dinesh Karthik, who is currently doing commentary duties in the ongoing World Cup, rightly predicted before the match about the impact Jadeja is going to have.
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“This pitch will turn. Jadeja to have a super day today,” Karthik posted on X.
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