February 24, 2025

IPhones: iPhones getting RCS: Nothing CEO Carl Pei quotes former Apple chief Steve Jobs


Apple has announced that it will start supporting RCS – the latest messaging standard – on iPhones from next year onwards. The move comes after competitors like Google, Samsung and, most recently, Nothing pressurised the company by various means into adopting the messaging standard. Soon after the company announced it, Nothing CEO Carl Pei posted a quote by late Apple chief executive Steve Jobs on X, welcoming the decision.
The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will, you know if you push in, something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it. That’s maybe the most important thing – is to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it. – Steve Jobs

In a separate post, Pei said that Apple’s decision is “Good for consumers, competition, and innovation. Hats off to the EU, telcos, Google, and most of all to Apple.”

Google also hailed Apple’s decision in a post by the official Android handle.

From USB Type-C to RCS
Apple has been targeted by fellow tech companies and competition agencies to bring changes in favour of customers. Previously, it was regarding a shift from Lightning port to USB-Type C connectors on iPhones and other products. Most recently, it was about adoption of RCS for easy and safe communication across Android smartphones and iPhones.
What Apple has to say
While Apple has announced support for RCS, it clarified that iMessage is not going anywhere.
“Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standard as currently published by the GSM Association. We believe RCS Universal Profile will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS. This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most secure messaging experience for Apple users,” the Apple spokesperson was quoted as saying.
This means that iMessage will continue to be the messaging platform for communication between iPhone users.


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