The platform has also been experimenting with AI features for its paying members. Earlier this year, LinkedIn introduced the ability that helps users access generative AI to write better profile descriptions and messages to hiring managers. However, the latest AI feature is designed to offer users an even more personalised experience.
It is important to note that it’s still early days for the feature which is launching in beta to a limited set of LinkedIn Premium subscribers. However, the company is planning to make AI a central part of its service in the coming days.
LinkedIn Ai job coach: How will it work
With this feature, job seekers on the platform will receive AI-generated insights alongside each job posting. The tool will help users summarise lengthy job descriptions. Based on the contents of their LinkedIn profile, this feature will also suggest whether the role is a good fit for a user.
For example, the tool will be able to highlight specific work experiences users may want to emphasise in their application. The AI job coach will also offer tips on how to improve their LinkedIn profile to look more attractive to hiring managers.
What the company has to say
In a statement to Engadget, LinkedIn product manager Rohan Rajiv said that this LinkedIn feature will be able to offer a more personalised experience compared to other generative AI services as it can draw on its vast set of career data.
He said: “This is made possible by generative AI, but also the datasets that bring all of this together. It’s your profile, your connections, and all of this that essentially can help you move your job search forward.”
In a blog post, LinkedIn’s Chief Product Officer, Tomer Cohen said that the AI job coach “marks the beginning of a new journey, one where the power of AI is your ally in every career question and decision.”
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