Australia, the five-time champions, faced consecutive defeats against India and South Africa. However, they have regained their form with four consecutive victories, propelling them into the top four of the tournament standings.”Australia and South Africa will be the two biggest challengers for India,” Ganguly said at Eden Gardens that hosted its first World Cup match on Saturday with Bangladesh taking on the Netherlands.
“They have bounced back really well and are playing really good cricket. Today’s win (against New Zealand) was really thrilling,” the former BCCI president said.
In an earlier match in Dharamsala on Saturday, Australia capitalised on Travis Head’s explosive 67-ball 109 and David Warner’s impressive 65-ball 81 to amass a substantial total of 388 in 49.2 overs.
Australia managed to secure a nail-biting victory against a determined New Zealand side, triumphing by a margin of just five runs in a thrilling last-ball conclusion.
With this victory, the record five-time champions find themselves in the top four and are firmly on track for a spot in the semifinals.
Often labelled as ‘chokers’, South Africa have taken the tournament by storm with power-packed batting performances as Ganguly have included the Proteas at the expense of defending champions England.
“Never thought England would play like that but that’s what sports is all about,” Ganguly said.
South Africa now occupy the top spot in the 10-team standings with five wins from six matches, going past India.
Second placed India will take on England in their sixth round clash in Lucknow on Sunday.
“India is a strong side and is doing well. But championship is too far, first they have to get past the knockout stage.”
India also have an injury concern in their premier allrounder Hardik Pandya who is nursing a ligament tear and is likely to miss more matches.
“He is an important player but India are still a very strong side,” he said.
India will play South Africa in an eighth round clash here on November 5 and the demand for tickets for the match have gone skyhigh.
“It’s India match obviously there will be craze. Thankfully I’m not (BCCI) president anymore. I don’t have any tickets with me.”
Ganguly was also excited to see so many Bangladeshi supporters in the Saturday’s match.
Bangladesh found themselves “at home” as about 70 per cent of the 15,202 attendance in the game against the Dutch were from the neighbouring country.
“Bangladesh is close, so it’s obvious so many people have come. It’s good to see so many Bangladeshi fans here. They have played well too.”
“I hope the crowd attendance will be more for the Pakistan-Bangladesh game on Tuesday,” Ganguly signed off.
(With PTI Inputs)
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