OnePlus launched its first Android tablet — OnePlus Pad in India in April this year. The company has now rolled out the first OxygenOS 14 Open beta update for OnePlus Pad users in India. The OxygenOS 14 is based on the Android 14 operating system. The latest version of the OS comes with multiple security and privacy features. Along with this, the OS update will also optimise the performance of the tablet.
“Today, we’re beyond excited to share this bit of news with you. The very first OxygenOS 14 Open Beta is here for the OnePlus Pad. This build will allow you to be among the first to experience the new features and improvements OxygenOS 14 has to offer! Please be aware that this is the very first Open Beta build, and, as such, some of the features may not be available right away, but more of them will come in the subsequent versions. Please keep in mind that this is beta software. These builds may not be as stable as our official OTAs. By installing this update, you accept the potential risks. Please note that this open beta is applicable for India only at the current stage, for other regions, please stay tuned,” OnePlus posted on its community page.
Changelog of the update
Smart and efficient
• Improves cloud photo service by Google Photos
Security and privacy
• Improves photo and video-related permission management for safer access by apps.
Performance optimization
• Improves system stability, the launch speed of apps, and the smoothness of animations.
Aquamorphic Design
• Adds Aquamorphic-themed ringtones and revamps the system notification sounds.
• Improves system animations by making them even smoother.
“Today, we’re beyond excited to share this bit of news with you. The very first OxygenOS 14 Open Beta is here for the OnePlus Pad. This build will allow you to be among the first to experience the new features and improvements OxygenOS 14 has to offer! Please be aware that this is the very first Open Beta build, and, as such, some of the features may not be available right away, but more of them will come in the subsequent versions. Please keep in mind that this is beta software. These builds may not be as stable as our official OTAs. By installing this update, you accept the potential risks. Please note that this open beta is applicable for India only at the current stage, for other regions, please stay tuned,” OnePlus posted on its community page.
Changelog of the update
Smart and efficient
• Improves cloud photo service by Google Photos
Security and privacy
• Improves photo and video-related permission management for safer access by apps.
Performance optimization
• Improves system stability, the launch speed of apps, and the smoothness of animations.
Aquamorphic Design
• Adds Aquamorphic-themed ringtones and revamps the system notification sounds.
• Improves system animations by making them even smoother.
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