Earlier this month, Oppo introduced its second clamshell-style foldable phone in India – the Find N3 Flip. The second-generation foldable smartphone from the Oppo carries the same look as its predecessor, while bringing in some improvements over the former. We at Times of India-Gadgets Now sat down with Damyant Singh Khanoria, chief marketing officer at Oppo India, to discuss the Oppo Find N3 Flip, foldables and the company’s strategy for the Indian market.
“The tech industry evolves quickly, so we adapt to meet consumer needs. The significant changes we made to the product justified the second flip phone launch within six months. It’s about confidence in our brand and a commitment to delivering high-quality products.” said Khanoria, when asked about the company’s strategy behind launching a second flip phone in a gap of just six months.
He further adds, “The Find N3 Flip is a statement of confidence and a way to showcase Oppo’s vision for the smartphone industry. This one’s positioned as a versatile lifestyle offering focusing on experience, not price [Oppo Find N3 Flip is priced at Rs 94,999]. It sets us apart from other brands.”
Speaking about the improvements made to the Find N3 Flip, Damanyant explains, “We’ve added another friction plate, making it more secure. The screen durability has improved from 4.4 to six times, backed by third-party confirmation. So, these minor engineering enhancements are making us and others confident that this is what we’ve achieved. The phone can last for 16-plus years, even if you open the phone 100 times a day. That’s the core concept. Whether it’s six or sixteen, it works.”
“We’re transparent about durability. It makes a significant difference when you physically experience it in a retail environment,” said the Oppo executive, about how the company plans to relay the claims it makes about the durability and certifications of the Find N3 Flip.
He also says that if users encounter any issues, they can simply walk into a store. “We take great pride in the extensive after-sales service network we’ve established. With over 550 service centers, we offer a one-time free screen replacement for both screens of the Oppo Find 3 Flip,” he added.
“Unique selling point of flip phones is the reduced hesitance towards their durability”
Foldables still remain a niche but are catching on with a section of buyers. Foldables are still widely popular because many people are comfortable with them,” explains Khanoria, when asked about when he and the company see more people switching to the foldable phones. There is a segment of buyers that prefer the old-style clamshell flip phones over the ‘truly’ foldable phones. “The unique selling point of flip phones is the reduced hesitance towards their durability. In the past, people were hesitant to buy into this category due to concerns about durability, as some products from competitors didn’t last, and there was no recourse,” says Khanoria.
He explains how Oppo with the Find N3 Flip is trying to make the switch from candybar phones to foldables easier.“With the Oppo Find series and the Find 3 Flip, we are providing a stamp of credibility through usage. For example, with 600,000 folds, a seamless screen, a powerful battery, and a great photography experience, the transition to this form factor is made simpler and easier.”
“Oppo is deeply committed to India; our portfolio will expand significantly”
Oppo also launched the third iteration of its book-style foldable, the Find N3, in China and other international markets, but the said model has not been launched in India. Damyant explains the reason behind the decision.
“To keep things simple, we made a choice to focus on scalable product types. We chose the Oppo Find N Flip earlier this year and are investing in the next generation as well. The foldable device market is still relatively small, and the pricing is significantly different.” he said. “Our approach is to take one step at a time before expanding. Our focus this year has been on the Flip and the Reno series, which aligns with our brand narrative.”
“As time passes, we’ll explore more options because people value choices. Oppo is deeply committed to India, and our substantial investments reflect our seriousness in this market. In due course, our portfolio will expand significantly.” he said.
“The tech industry evolves quickly, so we adapt to meet consumer needs. The significant changes we made to the product justified the second flip phone launch within six months. It’s about confidence in our brand and a commitment to delivering high-quality products.” said Khanoria, when asked about the company’s strategy behind launching a second flip phone in a gap of just six months.
He further adds, “The Find N3 Flip is a statement of confidence and a way to showcase Oppo’s vision for the smartphone industry. This one’s positioned as a versatile lifestyle offering focusing on experience, not price [Oppo Find N3 Flip is priced at Rs 94,999]. It sets us apart from other brands.”
Speaking about the improvements made to the Find N3 Flip, Damanyant explains, “We’ve added another friction plate, making it more secure. The screen durability has improved from 4.4 to six times, backed by third-party confirmation. So, these minor engineering enhancements are making us and others confident that this is what we’ve achieved. The phone can last for 16-plus years, even if you open the phone 100 times a day. That’s the core concept. Whether it’s six or sixteen, it works.”
“We’re transparent about durability. It makes a significant difference when you physically experience it in a retail environment,” said the Oppo executive, about how the company plans to relay the claims it makes about the durability and certifications of the Find N3 Flip.
He also says that if users encounter any issues, they can simply walk into a store. “We take great pride in the extensive after-sales service network we’ve established. With over 550 service centers, we offer a one-time free screen replacement for both screens of the Oppo Find 3 Flip,” he added.
“Unique selling point of flip phones is the reduced hesitance towards their durability”
Foldables still remain a niche but are catching on with a section of buyers. Foldables are still widely popular because many people are comfortable with them,” explains Khanoria, when asked about when he and the company see more people switching to the foldable phones. There is a segment of buyers that prefer the old-style clamshell flip phones over the ‘truly’ foldable phones. “The unique selling point of flip phones is the reduced hesitance towards their durability. In the past, people were hesitant to buy into this category due to concerns about durability, as some products from competitors didn’t last, and there was no recourse,” says Khanoria.
He explains how Oppo with the Find N3 Flip is trying to make the switch from candybar phones to foldables easier.“With the Oppo Find series and the Find 3 Flip, we are providing a stamp of credibility through usage. For example, with 600,000 folds, a seamless screen, a powerful battery, and a great photography experience, the transition to this form factor is made simpler and easier.”
“Oppo is deeply committed to India; our portfolio will expand significantly”
Oppo also launched the third iteration of its book-style foldable, the Find N3, in China and other international markets, but the said model has not been launched in India. Damyant explains the reason behind the decision.
“To keep things simple, we made a choice to focus on scalable product types. We chose the Oppo Find N Flip earlier this year and are investing in the next generation as well. The foldable device market is still relatively small, and the pricing is significantly different.” he said. “Our approach is to take one step at a time before expanding. Our focus this year has been on the Flip and the Reno series, which aligns with our brand narrative.”
“As time passes, we’ll explore more options because people value choices. Oppo is deeply committed to India, and our substantial investments reflect our seriousness in this market. In due course, our portfolio will expand significantly.” he said.
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