Realme India has confirmed that along with the Realme 11 5G and Realme 11X 5G it will launch the new Realme Buds Air 5 series. The company has confirmed that it will launch the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro and the Realme Buds Air 5 true wireless earbuds in the country on August 23.
“Join us as we unveil not one, but two groundbreaking audio products – the realme Buds Air 5 Pro and the realme Buds Air 5. These next-generation earbuds are poised to set new industry standards with their exceptional features, unmatched sound quality, and cutting-edge technology,” said the company in an invite.
Realme Buds Air 5 series true wireless earbuds features
The upcoming Realme Buds Air 5 Pro and Buds Air 5 true wireless earbuds feature a pebble-shaped charging case. The company has confirmed that the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro will feature coaxial dual drivers. The earbuds will sport an 11mm bass driver unit and a 6mm micro-planar tweeter. The smartphone maker also claims that the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro true wireless earbuds will offer clear sound quality and promises to deliver an immersive audio experience.
On the other hand, the Realme Buds Air 5 will house an upgraded 12.4mm mega titanizing driver. The true wireless earbuds will also come with fast charging support. The company claims that the earbuds can deliver up to 7 hours of music playback with just 10 minutes of charging.
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