While praising former Indian skipper MS Dhoni, Akhtar said, “You won the 2007 World T20 under him, the 2011 World Cup, and then the 2013 Champions Trophy.The moment Dhoni gave up captaincy, things went south for India.”Akhtar, who is not sure if Rohit was the right man for the Indian team’s captaincy, said: “When I see Rohit, I keep asking this question of myself if he should have accepted captaincy in the first place? I think Rohit feels the panic on occasions and lets the pressure get to him. The pressure of captaincy cripples you, and it happened with Virat Kohli also. That’s why you don’t win a major tournament.”
“Make no mistake, Rohit does have the team to win the World Cup. As a batter, he is perhaps more talented than Virat Kohli. He is a classical batsman, and the kind of shots he plays – just mind blowing. But with captaincy, is he able to do that? Let him prove me wrong and all of us wrong, for that’s what all of India will want him to do in this World Cup,” said Shoaib on the Backstage With Boria World Cup Special on Revsportz.
Commenting on the India-Pakistan game, Akhtar said this is not meant for the faint-hearted.
“It is not for the faint-hearted. If you are brave enough, it is your platform. If you are a coward or if you are insecure, this match is not for you,” said Akhtar on the India-Pakistan game.
India versus Pakistan is the most highly anticipated encounter, and these two teams are going to clash with each other in the Asia Cup in Sri Lanka and then in the ICC World Cup 2023. Akhtar has been a part of many India-Pakistan encounters, be it bilaterals, the Asia Cup or ICC tournaments like World Cups or the Champions Trophy.
Akhtar went on to say that he was always in favour of the Pakistan team touring India.
“From day one, I have been saying that Pakistan should travel to India and play wherever asked. There was never a question of not travelling to India. Let’s face the truth. India generates the maximum money for world cricket and the ICC actually uses the money that comes from India. It is that money, which is then given to us in Pakistan, which helps fund our domestic cricket. So in a way, it is Indian money which is helping our cricket. So there is no reason why we shouldn’t travel to India and play in front of packed Indian crowds,” said Akhtar.
Akhtar believed Pakistan will start as underdogs in the match against India at the ICC World Cup 2023 at the Narendra Modi stadium in Ahmedabad and it might actually work for Babar Azam and his team.
“What will go in our favour is that the Indian media will put enormous pressure on the Indian team. For them, the Indian team can’t lose, and if they lose God help them. This builds enormous pressure on India and it means we are designated underdogs. Frankly, all the pressure is on India and we have nothing to lose. All our boys need to do is play their heart out and beat India in India. Without much pressure, and with all the pressure on India, they can surely do so. Go to India and beat India. That’s what we should do,” he argued.
Pakistan have never beaten India in a 50-over world cup. These two teams have played each other on seven occasions, and every time India went on to register a victory.
The last time these two teams met in a 50-over World Cup match was way back in 2019 where under Virat Kohli’s captaincy, India beat Pakistan by 89 runs (D/L Method).
(With ANI inputs)
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