February 23, 2025

Spoofed Caller: DoT has banned international calls with these number codes: MoS Communications in Lok Sabha


With the menace of fraud calls originating from international numbers and spoofing of caller ID increasing, the government has blocked as many as 65 telecom setups during the fiscal year 2023-24. These illegal telecom set-ups allowed international calls with spoofed Indian numbers, the Parliament was informed. “So far, 65 such illegal setups during FY 2023-24, 62 in FY 2022-23 and 35 in FY 2021-2022 have been unearthed,” the Minister of State for Communications, Devusinh Chauhan said in a written reply in Lok Sabha.
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is said to have directed the International Long Distance Operators (ILDOs) to drop incoming calls with no Calling Line Identification (CLI), or improper CLI or having certain prefixes.”Further, to prevent the incoming international calls with spoofed Indian landline numbers, DoT has directed the ILDO to drop international incoming calls with no CLI, improper CLI or having CLI prefixes such as +11, 011 & 11, +911 to +915,” he informed.
DoT cracks on telecom setups that allow illegal international calls
DoT in coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies and Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) is unearthing illegal telecom setups that allow international calls with spoofed Indian numbers. Such illegal setups are used to bypass the ILDOs for anti-national activities, cyber-crimes and financial frauds, Chauhan said. “Telecom Service Providers are disconnecting such reported mobile connections after necessary subscriber reverification. Around 13.08 lakh such mobile connections have been disconnected,” the minister said.
As part of security measures taken, DoT is blocking the apps allowing the origination of spoofed calls. Such apps have also been blocked on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
DoT also announced a list of security measures for buying new SIM earlier this year. Aimed at reducing SIM card-related frauds, these measures came into effect starting December 1.


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