Tesla EV beats 100+ bullets, Toyota truck chase by Hamas terrorists: Israeli driver safe


The armed conflict between Hamas and Israel doesn’t seem to stop and amid the unrest and ongoing attacks, a story of an Israeli man was shared on X (formerly known as Twitter) by Gilad Alper, the Head of Israel’s Freedom Party. The story describes how C (undisclosed name), a resident of Kibbutz Mefalsim and a member of the settlement’s emergency squad, encountered a life-threatening attack from Hamas gunmen. He was called to an incident when the situation in Israel initially erupted. He then rushed his Tesla Model 3 Performance, aiming to reach the assembly point when he was spotted by the armed Hamas terrorists.
Upon reaching the hospital after the incident having escaped the chasing gunmen, C narrated the entire story. He said that the terrorists didn’t realize that he was driving an EV and started firing at the front (hoping to hit the engine which wasn’t there) and the fuel tank (which of course, was also not present).

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Following this, they targeted his tyres, aiming to cripple his Tesla EV but thanks to the dual-drive capabilities of the EV, he managed to flee, albeit there was a 150 hp Toyota truck hot on his heels.
The EV, which was shot at over 100 times and had flat tyres, was able to accelerate at 112 mph (180 kmph) and due to its dual drive capability, C managed to reach a hospital where he was rescued. During the incident, the Israeli man was hit by shrapnel, bullets in his leg, hand, and skull but thanks to his motivation and the Tesla, he is still alive.
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, replied to the social media post saying “Glad he made it!”
What is dual drive technology?
In a conventional AWD vehicle, the power is transmitted to all four wheels via a complex mechanism. In contrast, a dual drive setup consists of two motors, equipped one each on both axles (individually delivering torque and power to front and rear wheels). Even if it loses one motor it will still be able to drive depending on the powertrain configuration.


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