MUMBAI: Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray on Tuesday said Maharashtra will bid adieu to the Eknath Shinde-led government on December 31. His remark came a day after the Supreme Court directed Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Rahul Narwekar to pass order by December 31 on the disqualification petitions filed by the Thackeray faction and the rival Shiv Sena led by Shinde against each other’s MLAs.
Thackeray also asked his MLAs and MLCs “to read the copy of the Supreme Court’s order” to Narwekar. “We will bid adieu to the disqualified government on December 31,” the former chief minister claimed.
Observing that the sanctity of the 10th Schedule of the Constitution should be maintained, the Supreme Court on Monday directed the Maharashtra assembly Speaker to decide the cross-petitions filed by the rival factions of the Shiv Sena seeking disqualification of each other’s MLAs by December 31.
Thackeray also asked his MLAs and MLCs “to read the copy of the Supreme Court’s order” to Narwekar. “We will bid adieu to the disqualified government on December 31,” the former chief minister claimed.
Observing that the sanctity of the 10th Schedule of the Constitution should be maintained, the Supreme Court on Monday directed the Maharashtra assembly Speaker to decide the cross-petitions filed by the rival factions of the Shiv Sena seeking disqualification of each other’s MLAs by December 31.
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