LUCKNOW: UP CM Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that ‘Sindhu’ or Indus — the region around southern Punjab in Pakistan — can also be ‘taken back’ just like Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya was ‘taken back’.“
Agar 500 varshon ke baad Ram Janmabhoomi wapas li ja sakti hai to koi karan nahi ki hum Sindhu wapas na le payein (If Ram Janmabhoomi can be taken back after 500 years then there is no reason why Sindhu can’t taken back),” Yogi said while addressing a twoday National Sindhi Convention organised by Sindhi Council of India .
Yogi exhorted the Sindhi community to make its present generation aware about its history. “One day, the present generation will be able to reclaim their ancestors’ land if they know about its history,” he said, adding that the Sindhi community suffered the most after Partition as they had to leave their motherland. “It was stubbornness of just one person that led to the Partition of the country,” he said, without taking any names.
“Even today, we have to bear the brunt of the tragedy of Partition in the form of terrorism,” Yogi said, adding that no civilised society can endorse terrorism, extremism or any kind of anarchy. “If we have to move forward on the path of welfare of humanity, the evil tendencies of society will have to end. Our religious scriptures also give us the same inspiration. Be it Jhulelal ji or Lord Shri Krishna, everyone has talked about protecting the good and eliminating the evil for human welfare.”
Terming the Sindhi community as an integral part of Sanatan Dharma, Yogi said that the community progressed with its efforts even in tough circumstances.
Agar 500 varshon ke baad Ram Janmabhoomi wapas li ja sakti hai to koi karan nahi ki hum Sindhu wapas na le payein (If Ram Janmabhoomi can be taken back after 500 years then there is no reason why Sindhu can’t taken back),” Yogi said while addressing a twoday National Sindhi Convention organised by Sindhi Council of India .
Yogi exhorted the Sindhi community to make its present generation aware about its history. “One day, the present generation will be able to reclaim their ancestors’ land if they know about its history,” he said, adding that the Sindhi community suffered the most after Partition as they had to leave their motherland. “It was stubbornness of just one person that led to the Partition of the country,” he said, without taking any names.
“Even today, we have to bear the brunt of the tragedy of Partition in the form of terrorism,” Yogi said, adding that no civilised society can endorse terrorism, extremism or any kind of anarchy. “If we have to move forward on the path of welfare of humanity, the evil tendencies of society will have to end. Our religious scriptures also give us the same inspiration. Be it Jhulelal ji or Lord Shri Krishna, everyone has talked about protecting the good and eliminating the evil for human welfare.”
Terming the Sindhi community as an integral part of Sanatan Dharma, Yogi said that the community progressed with its efforts even in tough circumstances.
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